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Business Leaders  

This community is strictly for discussing issues that affect you as a decision maker. Do not discuss management or leasing fees, rental rates, or other charges/fees as it could lead to an antitrust investigation. NARPM® does not set any rates, or fix prices, for services in the industry.

NARPM® Antitrust Statement

It is the policy of the NARPM® to comply fully with all antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit, among other things, any joint conduct among competitors that could lessen competition in the marketplace. NARPM®’s membership is composed of competitors; they must refrain from discussing competitively sensitive topics, including those related to pricing (such as rates, fees, or costs), individual competitors or specific business transactions, or controlling or allocating markets. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to solicit competitors’ clients. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to advertise for business, provided the advertising is not false, deceptive or otherwise illegal.

  last person joined 3 days ago

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NARPM Legislative and Educational Conference  

  last person joined 3 years ago

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Open Forum  

Open Forum Discussion for all NARPM members. This includes Property Managers, Support Staff, and Affiliates.

NARPM® Antitrust Statement

It is the policy of the NARPM® to comply fully with all antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit, among other things, any joint conduct among competitors that could lessen competition in the marketplace. NARPM®’s membership is composed of competitors; they must refrain from discussing competitively sensitive topics, including those related to pricing (such as rates, fees, or costs), individual competitors or specific business transactions, or controlling or allocating markets. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to solicit competitors’ clients. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to advertise for business, provided the advertising is not false, deceptive or otherwise illegal.

NARPM Antitrust Statement & Code of Ethics can be found at

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Property Managers  

The purpose of the NARPM® Property Managers Community will be to ask questions about property management, company operations, share a form, comment on software, discuss operations and virtually any other property management item subject to a few rules. Comments posted in the group are those of individuals and do not represent the opinions of NARPM®.

It is illegal to discuss how much is charged for "any" services. You can not discuss management fees, leasing fees, rental rates, or any other charges/fees as that could lead to a federal antitrust investigation and possible violation. Violation of the Sherman Act is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $10 million for corporations, and a fine of up to $350,000 or 3 years imprisonment (or both) for individuals. Not only do you have to be concerned with commission discussions, but also market prices as NARPM does not set any rates, or fix prices, for services in the industry. This is why NARPM® guards their community members on the side of caution as we do not want it to be perceived that members are setting fees. Also, speaking poorly about another member, profanity, self-promotion, blasting a vendor's products, or other type of similar based abuse will result in the violator being removed from the community. It is okay to comment or speak to specific technical issues, but keep your statements on target to the product and its operations.

NARPM® Antitrust Statement

It is the policy of the NARPM® to comply fully with all antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit, among other things, any joint conduct among competitors that could lessen competition in the marketplace. NARPM®’s membership is composed of competitors; they must refrain from discussing competitively sensitive topics, including those related to pricing (such as rates, fees, or costs), individual competitors or specific business transactions, or controlling or allocating markets. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to solicit competitors’ clients. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to advertise for business, provided the advertising is not false, deceptive or otherwise illegal.

  last person joined yesterday

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